Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bugs, Boos, & Hail- OH MY!

WOW! The last two days have been eventful! Yesterday, I had this little critter in my bathroom! He is a Western Conifer Seed Bug. He's kind of creepy and reminds me of a tarantula because of the way he slowly walks around! They are harmless and they leave off an odor as a defense mechanism. Since it has gotten colder here in South West PA, I will ocassionally find one of these creeping through my home. We're remodeling and temporarily have the siding off part of our home. We have that house wrap up instead. These little creepies will get in any little place that they can. Luckily, they travel alone!

When I first noticed it, my dog noticed it as well. She's a little chihuahua terrier and loves to chase bugs. As she approached it, it left off the foul odor and she ran and burried her face in the carpet and was rubbing trying to get the scent off! Apparently that works, she left that little bug alone!
Anyway, by the time my husband was able to get to it, it was climbing up the wall and onto my Febreeze spray. To give you a sense of size, if you look at the picture it is about the size of the "F!" I didn't kill it, because getting near bugs creeps me out! That's what my husband is for! Actually, we don't kill them-we release them. So it'll probably end up coming back into my home in a few days.

Today was a better day! I got BOO'd! Thanks Julie! You can check out Julie's Blog at: http://tuttiaposto.blogspot.com/.
I'm supposed to pass this along, but I don't have many blogging friends yet since I'm new. Hopefully by next year, I'll be able to fully participate! Thank you Julie for thinking of me!
Lastly, we had a very cold day here in Pennsylvania. At one point I was lying on the couch and heard this loud ticking noise against our patio door....it was HAIL! It was really coming down! It hailed for probably five minutes! It was crazy! I tried to get out and get some photos but I wasn't dressed for such cold weather I was in shorts! lol
Here is a photo that I did manage to get:
Stay warm and have a wonderful night!
Ruth Ann


  1. I HATE BUGS! AND I HATE COLD! Glad you had a better day!

  2. I don't like bugs either but sometimes they like to come to my house...probably I have to say most everyone sees one here or there.

    Yep pretty cold this morning here in GA.

    Oh and you might not have a lots of folks yet but believe me you will...all you really need is one to share something with so go on and Boo someone who hasn't . I only Boo-ED one person cause most the others I went to already had been. Have fun! Hugs!

  3. EWWWWWWW! I could barely look at that bug! I don't know how you took its picture. :)

  4. Oh Ruth Ann....I DON't like bugs and ewwww that one looks ICKY!!

    And brrrrrr that hail looks COLD....brrrrr some more!!!

    Happy BOO-ed Day!!!!!

  5. Thanks for entering the Mabel's House contest to win my debut suspense novel, SISTERS OF MISERY! Even if you don't win, I hope you get a chance to read and enjoy it!

    Megan Kelley Hall

    P.S. Happy Halloween!!

  6. Just stopping by to wish you the happiest of Halloweens!


    kari & kijsa
