Monday, October 13, 2008

Homemade Playdoh Fun!

Lately, my oldest son Benjamin who is 3 has been on a playdoh kick! Each afternoon we get out the playdoh when my youngest, Alexander, takes a nap. Alex likes to eat playdoh (he's a year and a half) so that's why we wait until he's napping- plus it gives Ben and I some one on one time together.

Today I decided to try making my own playdoh with a recipe I found online. The recipe calls for Kool-Aid to color the dough and also creates an awesome scent! The first batch I used grape Kool-Aid, but the recipe just didn't turn out well! I followed it exactly, but it was too sticky and messy! I even tried to fix it by adding flour, but that didn't help so I had to throw it out!

I was determined to find a recipe that worked so I found this one and was able to make two successful batches! For the green color I used regular Lemon Lime Kool-Aid and for the wonderful blue color I used Berry Blue Kool-Aid Twists. I am dying to use orange Kool-Aid for Halloween, but my Walmart was sold out of it! Oh well, maybe next time.

Here is the recipe that worked for me:

Kool-Aid Playdoh Recipe

2 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cup salt

2- (.22 oz) packets of your favorite color of Kool-Aid

1 Tbsp Cream of Tartar

3 Tbsp cooking oil

1 1/4 cup very hot water

Boil 3/4 of a cup of water. Mix dry ingredients. Add oil. Add the 1 1/4 cup of very hot water. Mix until dough peels away from sides or is cool enough to knead by hand. This keeps for a few months in a Ziploc if you put it away immediately after playing.

**Note: When you make this dough you will find that it is very floury. This is ok, once you knead it by hand it all mixes together.

Also, I bought disposable containers to store my dough in. This batch fits into a 3 1/2 cup round "takealong" container with just a little it's a pretty big batch. Enjoy and HAPPY CREATING!


  1. Lexi has been wanting to get playdoh but I have been little nervous about this...scared it will end up everywhere...I might have to try this recipe and we just play with it outside under the carport. Thanks for sharing. Looks like Ben likes it to.

  2. I had a really good playdoh recipe when my kids were younger and can't find it now. I wanted to make up a batch for my Sunday school class and I like the idea of the kool-aid in the one you have here. I bet it smells yummy. Thanks for sharing this, I will make up a batch for sure. just because your kids grow up, don't throw away these recipe'
