Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Today was Trick or Treat Day in our neighborhood! My kids rarely eat candy, so we never went trick or treating before. I actually forgot how fun it is! It's so great seeing all the great costumes that the kids wear and everyone is in such a great festive mood!

Well my little Teletubby Alexander wasn't very festive when we first left the house! We decided not to put him down for a nap because my sister was visiting (big mistake)!

He cried the whole way down the street until he got his first piece of candy- then he became a perfect angel! Maybe I should use candy as a behavioral tool???? - Just kidding!

He was a trooper without a nap he walked really far, but at times he needed to be carried by my husband. Although he was tired, he never left go of his candy stash!

My son Benjamin is three years old. This year I left it up to him to decide what he wanted to be. I was hoping he wanted to be a Teletubby as well, because I purchased another costume at the thrift store. But you know how three year olds are, they have a mind of their own. He decided that he wanted to be a "witch." I told him that witches were girls, so he said that he wanted to be a "witch boy!" I thought that was cute! So I went out and bought the witch hat and the little broom and he went as a "witch boy!" It's purple because purple is his favorite color after his favorite Wiggle the purple one-Jeff!
The cape is actually a superman type cape that I made a few months back. The outer part of the cape is printed with cows, and the lining has the word "moo" written all over it. On the back of the cape is his initial. I wanted to make him a Halloween themed cape, but with the way I've been feeling lately- I decided that he could wear his cow cape. I mean it's only for an hour, I thought why make another. Here is a picture of them from behind. This is out on the street in front of my father-in-laws house. I just love the scenery and the color of the leaves on the trees.The boys did really well considering we were walking at times up very steep hills. Ben kept asking "Are we there yet?" Well, we finally made it home and here is a picture of them together out front. It was such a beautiful day here in Western PA. I hope everyone had a great Fall day as well!


  1. Hi there!
    Thanks for the comment on my Simplify post. I will be doing a new post on simplifying your life all this week so check back soon! Yes, you can use the post on your blog but please let your readers know that they can read more about simplifying at my blog. Thanks

  2. Both of your boys looks so cute. Reminds me of mine(a long time ago)
    I love the witch boy costume with the moo cow cape. I bet Benjamin didn't want to take it off. I know boys.
    And..I did have a great fall day here in Georgia.
    Have another great day.

  3. great costumes

    I am so glad that yall let him be a witch boy.

    by the way
    I tagged you on my blog check it out.

  4. Awwwww, they are so cute and I KNOW they had a BLAST!!!

  5. How BOOtiful your lil' treaters.
    Halloween is sooo fun. It's a big event at our home. We get over 150 ghost, goblins, pirates... on our doorstep. My hubby takes the day off and helps me with, goodie bags, fog machine, music. We've got six blow-ups around our yard. The children's anticipated faces as they walk the path to our door is priceless.
    Thanks for your visit.

    Sweet Witches!
    Sara <[;O

  6. Hi Ruth Ann:
    What a great age to celebrate Halloween and get dressed up. Sounds like the boys had a lot of fun (and you too). They'll be wanting to go trick or treating every day. lol.
    Happy Halloween.
