Thursday, January 15, 2009

Catching Up!

Now that I'm back, I'm trying to catch up! Since I wasn't online around Christmas, I thought I would recap my holiday! Some of the photos are too cute NOT to share!

About a week before Christmas, Santa comes along at night on top of the firetruck! They drive up and down the streets in our town giving out treats for the boys and girls. Once you start hearing the siren you know that Santa is close by! I love that the fire company does this every year. It's going to be one of those memories that my children will always treasure!
This was the first year that Ben wasn't afraid of Santa. When they stopped in front of our house they asked if Ben wanted to climb up on the truck and sit on Santa's lap....he never hesitated! He was very excited and told Santa everything that he wanted for Christmas! Alexander on the other hand was very afraid. He wasn't too fond of Santa this past Christmas!

Lastly, I'd like to share my Christmas photo of the boys. Since Alexander is two, he's very uncooperative when it comes to photo shoots. Ben also gets impatient and always asks "Are you done yet?!" So my idea this time was to give them lollipops as prop and as a distraction. This way they would stay happy....or at least that's what I thought!
Soon after I gave them their tasty most boys...they turned the lollipops into weapons!
After banging their lollipops together- Ben's broke, but Alex thought that it was his that was broken! Notice the candy shards all over the floor! Alex was heart broken!
Before all of the drama had occured, I was able to capture the shot that I used for my Christmas cards!

I do however wished I had the time to incorporate all of these cute photos into one card. It just seemed that this past Christmas came soo fast! This year however my goal is to become more organized so I'm prepared for each holiday! I hope these photos gave you a good laugh. Sorry that they are so late, I just wanted to catch up a bit! I should be caught up now.
However, Beth at asked to see the princess cake that I made last week. I'll post that one tomorrow! Have a great night everyone and stay warm! It's super cold here in Pennsylvania....3 degrees here right now! Too cold for me!
Ruth Ann


  1. Awhh how sweet...You might want to check out put all my pics in this phot place and for a first timer you get about 25 or 30 prints free the first just pay shipping...but anyway I did my Christmas card from there and put three pics of Lexi on it...It turned out real sweet...just thought I would share this with you...It beats having to get out and go to Walmart to make pics and it is just as checp as them and you don't even have to leave the house...basically this is where I get all my pics now.

    Oh I know what you mean where time flew by so quick this Christmas...mine did to.

    Yippy, can't wait to see the the Monkey cake.
    Be back to visit later Ruth! So glad your back. Stay warm.

  2. Cute picture and I love the monkey cake and cupcakes from the last post so cute!

  3. Such cute pictures!!! Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog too!

