Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting to Know Me

Hi everyone! Kasey over at All That Is Good has started a weekly activity that I thought would be fun!

Every Monday will be different, so today's activity is: List 10 random things about yourself that people might not know or you just want to share.

Here it goes:

1. I collect gnomes! As much as that is against the way I want my home to look...I cannot resist their cute little faces!

2. I am addicted to playing Yahtzee on my Ipod. I can lay in bed at night and literally play for two hours!

3. I'm left handed, but can do most anything with either hand.

4. I can pick up anything (even coins) with my toes. Why bend over when your feet can do the work.

5. I'm the youngest of four children. My brother is about 8 years older than me and my sisters about 12 & 13 years older. I never felt like I ever have belonged in the family...and to this day I still feel unwanted and like an outsider.

6. I have LOVED Richard Gere for many, many years. Because of this, I think it has led to my attraction to much older men! My husband is 14 years older than me! ;)

7. No matter how successful I am in life or what I accomplish, I'm never happy with myself!

8. I played ice hockey for about 3 years when I was in High School.

9. I had severe Postpartum Depression with my first child. I have always been's something that I think I'll live with forever! To me being depressed is normal.

10. If you met me you would think that I was bitchy...most people do. I never smile or show happy emotions (refer to #9)....I'm actually a nice, caring, and compassionate person...most people don't see that because they cannot get past my serious look. Then on the other hand because of this...when I joke around- most people take me serious! lol It's quite ironic!

Happy Monday everyone! Thanks goodness it's almost Tuesday!

Ruth Ann


  1. I'm glad you are joining in on the game! my sister is 11 yrs older than me and my brother is 8. just since I've gotten older and started my own family have I started really connecting with my siblings. I think it is the first time we have been at the same places in our lives. have a great night!

  2. I keep an electronic Yahtzee game in my car and play it at all the red lights. It's just so fun!

  3. I'm sorry you never felt apart of your family. :-( That makes me feel sad. I'm estranged from my siblings and it makes me feel pretty lonely, a lot.

  4. Glad you joined in on this Ruth Ann! It is nice getting to know more about you.

    Well I think your a pretty cool chick and I am really glad you stumbled across my sure and stay around with us cause I think we all connect so well. Great friend I am finding in you.

    Guess what...I went for the younger guy...he is 14 years younger than me...we really do have some common bonds about our self.

  5. Just remember to smile everyday. Choose happiness.

  6. I'm a little late commenting here, but we share a few of these things, so I figure, what the heck!

    I'm left handed, but I cannot write with my right hand. Most everything else is fair game.

    People take me too seriously and think I'm mean. That cracks me up.

  7. I've learned smiling will help brighten your day. Even if you feel 'depressed' make yourself will begin to feel better! (or even force yourself to helps too).

    I have BOYS too and I love to take pictures!

    Hope you have a great weekend! Rhonda

  8. Finally getting around to checking out a few other participants in "Getting to know me".

    I'm the baby by a lot too ~ 7, almost 12 and almost 13 years. Unlike you I am very close to my siblings. It makes me sad to hear you feel the way you do. So turn your friends into your sisters, I'm sure they love ya like one anyway!

    BTW, you have great hair! Find the happiness in that!
