Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Inaugural Day Blunder

I just wanted to share something cute with you on this very important day. Tonight, at dinner, when my husband came home we were talking about our day.

I mentioned that the boys earned "sharing stickers" for being so good at sharing today. Normally they fight over toys and what not, but today they did fantastic! Then they talked about going to playland and playing with all the kids on the sliding boards. Ben talked about making Valentine cookies while Alex was napping.

After this I said: "Tell daddy what important thing we watched on t.v. today." We had watched the Presidential Inauguration today, and Ben was fascinated with the President's motorcade. This is when Ben said: "Fireman Sam" and Alex yelled "Barney!"

I thought that their comments were very cute....here we have a monumental day in history and all that's important to my toddlers is cartoons! Too cute!


  1. Thanks for stopping at my blog today and for your wonderful comment. I will be there to get some of that snow!!!

    What adorable boys you have! Enjoy them!


  2. What an important day. It was very moving to watch.

  3. I love the reactions of little people I've been hearing lately. So darn funny and insightful!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Kids are so innocent. I missed the live version of the inauguration but we watched it later that night. Kelsie (my 3 year old) kept asking when she could watch Dora and eat a cookie. We tried explaining to her how important it was but she said "Dora is important, they have to find something with that map".

  5. Thanks for visting my blog today; yours is pretty cute, too, especially those little blondies! I appreciate your feedback and look forward to seeing you around blogland!

  6. That is so cute! Jamison got to watch it at school and I was really happy about that. ooh, I'll be looking for that recipe, thanks!
