Monday, February 2, 2009

Darn Groundhog!

Darn groundhog.....SIX more weeks of winter! I don't know about you, but I can't handle that! Yesterday on the way to pick up our new puppy we passed through Puxsutawney! Back before we had kids we were able to do fun things like that, but now they're too small. I can't wait until a few more years when they can enjoy seeing Punxsutawney Phil live and in person!

Those were the times...."before we had kids" is what I call that time way back when...when you could just go anywhere spur of the moment without worrying about packing diapers, extra clothes, snacks, pacifiers, and sippy cups!

I thought I would share a photo of my husband and I up at Punxsutawney celebrating Groundhog's Day on 2-2-02.
It was 17 degrees that day and we stood outside and waited for that groundhog for several hours starting at about 4:30 am. Call us crazy...but it was FUN! Then we walked a couple of miles into town for a festival! It was awesome! Every year I keep praying for super warm weather so I can take the boys!
That's one lucky thing about living in the Pittsburgh area...even though at times I wish I lived elsewhere, there are so many great places that aren't very far. Philadelphia is about 4 hours away, New York City about 6 hours, Chicago about 7 hours, Washington D.C. about 2 1/2 hours, and Punxsutawney 2 hours. That's really cool!

Sometimes we reminisce about what it was like "Before Kids".....But I wouldn't change it for anything...we're just creating new memories with our family!
Here are two other photos that I wanted to share with you. Yesterday while driving through Punxsutawney we saw these awesome snow sculptures that were in someones yard.

Here is the dolphins: And here is the dinosaur, which was about 8 feet tall!
I had to stop and talk to the guy of course! He was outside and spraying down his sculptures with food coloring! He said that they're made out of snow,and he used a machete to carve them.

They were really spectacular! I can't even build a snowman! lol
He said that he built them for all the people who travel to Punxsutawney for Groundhog's Day! He said next year he's hoping to set up a coffee stand to make a little extra cash! What a cool idea! I think he should make a groundhog, what do you think!?

Be sure to visit my blog tomorrow....I'm going to post about a super cool giveaway!
Ruth Ann


  1. That is so cool. I love it, but I do not for one second miss the snow.

    I love thinking 'before we had kids', however, I wouldn't change my kids in for anything

  2. That is cool!! My kids got a kick out of seeing the snow sculptures!!
    Cute little blog you got going on.

  3. Oh I love those....really neat and yes coffee would sound good if it is that cold up that way....

    I don't know what before the kids is...I keep having them every 12 years so I still don't get to do those whim of things...hehehe but your right wouldn't change it for anything....

  4. What a super-cute blog you have here! Love the cupcakes. :) And your boys are ADORABLE! :)
    Have a happy day!

  5. Cool sculptures. I agree, I can't even make a snowman lol

  6. It sounds like you are in a really neat place since you can easily get to all those other cities. Brrrrr it sure looks cold there but I LOVE the sculptures...those are GREAT!
