Thursday, February 5, 2009

My boys!

I just wanted to share a photo that I came across today while I was taking the photos off of my digital camera. Here's a photo of my boys before going to a big Steeler Superbowl party! Don't you just love my husband's poncho? Yes, I'm being sarcastic! This great little poncho was a gift from our friends in Arizona...which is ironic, since the Steelers beat the Cardinals at the Superbowl! And Ben's little turtleneck Steeler shirt was a $1.99 thrift store find! Don't you just love a thrift store bargain!

Be sure to enter my giveaway if you haven't already! Have a great day!
Ruth Ann


  1. Thank you, thank you, for my tips today. I'm going to find the crafts right now. My plan is also to make a family note book. What things did you use for yours?

  2. Nevermind, said you'd email me. Thanks!

  3. Cute pic Ruth Ann! I love those quality pics of my family and sharing them.

  4. What a cute picture! Precious! I wanted to let you know that I mailed your PIF package today! You'll get it a little before your birthday! Happy birthday, Sweetie and Happy Pay It Forward! Lori

  5. Good looking boys in that picture!

    Blessings, Brook

  6. Well I guess you all were quite pleased with the outcome.
