Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

Just wanted to wish everyone a fantastic Easter! Hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy!
I unfortunately am still sick! I'm starting a third round of antibiotics so hopefully this type will work! I'm tired of being sick! Friday, Benjamin awoke at 2 a.m. with an earache. We took him to the doctor and decided to take his little brother too. It turns out that they both have ear infections! Ben's infection is a little more progressed and Alex's just started! So we're all not feeling too well this Holiday! At least my husband is healthy and can take care of us all!
The above photo is the photo I gave away to friends and family for Easter! My husband says they look like "deranged Easter Bunnies" a quote from the Christmas Story movie! I actually had someone else say the same thing!
I wanted to do the photo shoot outside, but because I was sick and the weather was crappy- I did the shoot inside.
Here are some outtakes from the photo shoot!
The following two photos- they were laying down, I took the photo from above! In this photo it looks like Alex is praying for me to stop taking soo many photos! lol
Have a wonderful Easter!
Ruth Ann


  1. Your boys are really going to be embarrassed when they get older LOL I think they are incredibly cute, even though I immediately though the same quote LOL

    Happy Easter to you, too

  2. Sorry everyone is still sick! But man, are those boys CUTE in their ears!!

    Hope your Easter was lovely!
