Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fallingwater with my boys!

My husband had to work today, so I decided that I was going to spend Mother's Day out and about with my boys. I live about 20 minutes from Fallingwater in Mill Run Pennsylvania. It's a wonderfully famous house that was designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. People travel from all over the country and the world to see it, and yet today it was my first time.

There were people from all over the place today- we met a very nice couple from England!

I had all intentions on having a picnic on a grassy lawn somewhere, but there was no picnicking allowed! As you can see from the following photos, we had a picnic lunch in the back of our car! The boys thought it was fun! We had sandwiches, chips, bug juice, and red Swedish fish!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a tour inside the house. Children must be at least 6-years-old to be admitted inside the house! I do understand why they do that. I wouldn't feel comfortable with taking my children in a multi-million dollar home, especially by myself.

My boys listen very well, but still I can already see Alex causing trouble behind my back. All I can picture is him defacing the original Picasso painting that hangs on the wall in the house!

The man I met from England didn't understand why children were not allowed...he said "What...children at that age cannot learn?" I do understand his point. But I was happy staying outside and enjoying the scenery!
Here are the boys eating lunch in the trunk of the car!

Here they are running up the trail!

I just love this picture of them! Alex's expression is just priceless!

And the following photo is from two years ago when Brad and Angelina visited Fallingwater! This photo came out in our newspaper after their visit. It was all hush hush...none of the locals knew about it until after they left! But fun! I hope that you too can visit Fallingwater sometime! I'm very fortunate to live in a very beautiful part of Pennsylvania...even though I complain about the weather alot!
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


  1. What a wonderful Mother's Day trip with your boys. GREAT pictures!!!

    I think I will have to take your advice and get some cute rainboots! You know though, the instant I would buy them the rain would stop and we would end up in a drought again like we were experiencing! Ahhhh, you can never win!

  2. Thanks for coming to my blog and leaving that sweet comment! Where you live it looks so beautiful!

  3. What a wonderful time on Mother's Day! I love the pictures!!! What a beautiful place.
    sandy toe

  4. Oh how sweet this the pic of picnic in the much fun...the fall is pretty...

    Thanks for offering to send the marker...just let me know how much and I will send you some money...

  5. Oh my goodness! I love the "picnic in the trunk"...I have always done this with my's by far one of their favorite things!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Many Blessings!

  6. How fun!!! Sounded like you had a great Mom's Day!! Thanks for your comment! Hope you are doing great and feeling great :o)
    Take care...

  7. Hi Ruth Ann,
    What great photos and what a wonderful Mother's Day! I know a few of my son's friends (architecture majors) have visited Fallingwater...looks gorgeous!!! You have precious little guys.

    Thanks for stopping by my place today and joining in on my giveaway! Always great to meet new friends. You have a lovely blog! = )


  8. what a great Mother's Day for you - I love the pic. of your kids eating in the back of the car. I've had many a picnic that way.

  9. it looks like you had an amazing day! thank you so much for sending me the link. I saw this house featured on some show on cable .. I love his work.
