Monday, September 7, 2009

Friend Making Mondays: Favorite Things About Fall

It's "Friend Making Monday" at Ambers! Go take a visit, and read about everyone's favorites of Fall!

Here are my favorite things about Fall! Fall is my most favorite season! The crispness in the air and my most favorite thing....leaves crackling under your feet!
I love making pumpkin bread...the aroma that fills your house it just wonderful! One of my favorite smells!
Halloween...there's just something sooo wonderful about this Holiday! It's my favorite!
Trick or treating with my kids! I get such a delight out of how excited they are when we go door to door!
I love everything that is Halloween and witch related! Halloween witches are just the cutest! I'm going to be a witch this year for Halloween! I can't wait!
I love going to Fall Festivals! We have several great ones in our area! I love all the wonderful booths that are displayed with hay and corn stalks! Such a wonderful atmosphere!

And lasty, I love those few weeks when the leaves change colors! It's so beautiful here, especially in the mountains!
Fall is in the air already...that's for sure!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Fall festivals are a good one, I will have to look for some of those in my area! Hope you have a great Monday!

  2. Great list! I am noise sensitive tho and everyone crunching leaves makes me crazy lol Do you make the pumpkin bread completely from scratch (like from a pumpkin) or do you buy the pumpkin stuff in the can? I want to try it this year! Happy Monday :)

  3. What a fabulous list and your photos are so cute. I love the photo of the dog trick or treating.
    I totally forgot about the fall festivals. What a great fall family activity.
    Happy FMM!

  4. I love your cupcake blog!! So cute! I too love the changing of the leaves and the crumpling under your feet!

    Happy FMM!!

  5. Love it, great pics! Love your cupcake background too!

    seriously fall is the best!

    The Buzz,

    p.s. swing by and come enter some giveaways going on also. :)

  6. Oh yeah Ruth Ann, I love all of the above things you stated. The mornings are getting in Middle Georgia so I am excited Fall is sneaking up real soon.

  7. I do love pumpkin bread and pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I'm going to try and make them this year.

  8. I love the colors of fall, but I'm allergic to fall. Seriously, I'm a complete mess. I miss the colors of fall living here in FL. We don't get as much as my home state of Michigan, that's for sure.
