Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Photo Wall Collage

I love photos! I love looking at photos, and I especially LOVE taking them! I even collect old black and white photography! It doesn't matter if I know the person in the photo or not...I still collect them! Photos to me tell a story...it doesn't matter who or what is in the photo, it's the story that the photo tells...the emotion that is captured in that split second! That's what's important!

Anyway, back to my photo wall! Awhile back, I came across a wonderful photography blog, and found this awesome photo wall collage! You can read about it here. I loved the idea, it made such a statement in that room! I just knew that I had to do it!

And this is what I came up with. My kitchen colors are aqua and pink, so I spray painted the outer frames in aqua and the inner frame in pink. The frames are actually cheap metal scrapbooking frames that I found at Michaels. They measure 12"x12" and when on sale you can get them for $5 each! Now that's a bargain! Hanging them however proved to be a pain....just ask my wonderful husband! :)

So you can get an idea of how large this collage is, here is a photo of my toddler standing next to it! Please ignore the cow pants! He's worn them for the last two days, and refuses to take them off! :) And keep in mind that we are nearing the end of our remodel. We have yet to add trim and other accessories, so right now it looks kind of plain!
Here's another view of the wall!
And yet another angle!
One tip if you plan to try this at home. We discovered that the hangers on the back are pretty much useless, and a royal pain! Since there are hangers in several places on the back, it's much easier to string each frame with wire and then hang it on the wall.
I hope you enjoyed seeing photos of my wall collage! So far it is my favorite thing in the entire house! When company comes over it's one of the first things that catches their eye! And we have received many compliments on it!
For me it shows the story of my family's past year and the many good times that we had! I plan to change it out each year to share our family's story with each guest that walks through our door!
To see other fantastic ideas, please go over to Kimba's linky party and join in the fun!



  1. Don't you love finally being able to show off your family? The hardest part for me is deciding on where to put the frames. Yours look fabulous!

  2. I think your photos look fab. Love the aqua and pink kitchen too.

  3. What a creative way to bring a splash of aqua into your kitchen and enjoy your family at the same time!
    pk @ room remix

  4. That wall is wonderful!

    I have a linky party going you may want to link up: http://theshadesofpink.blogspot.com/2009/10/room-month-great-pumpkin.html

  5. That is fantastic! You all are such a cute family :) I love it.

    I don't hang multiples of anything because it's too hard to get it all lined up. I think your husband MUST be a saint for doing that :)

    Kristin - The Goat

  6. Kristin...it took him half a day to hang those! First the holes where they hang were too small and he had to go buy screws! lol Then all the frame hangers had different measurements! It drove him crazy! lol There is no way I could ever do that myself! lol

  7. How cute! I love the color of the frames, so fun.

  8. Thanks for the tip about the hangers. It's always good to know about the pitfalls of projects, too.

  9. First of all love the cow pants lol! I love that your kitchen is aqua and pink I would be in Heaven love the pictures!

  10. Beautiful! Question: Where do you print 12x12 pictures? Thanks.

  11. Thank you for visiting my blog Nilda! To answer your question, I get my photos printed at http://mpix.com
    I load the desired photo into photo shop and crop it so it is
    12x12 size and then upload it and get it printed at Mpix! Thanks for your question, I'll have to edit my post tomorrow and add that in! Have a fabulous night!

  12. I love the "oversized" nature of the grouping, and it looks amazing! What a great project ... and SYMMETRICAL, which I love. :)

  13. Love your pic. wall..how cute!

    Thank you for the well wishes!

  14. I really enjoyed looking around your blog! What great ideas!!
    *Eliza’s blog*

  15. Great job and love all those pics you have...I just need to find me a better camera....Have a good week, Ruth Ann!

  16. Love your photo wall :). Especially love the doggie in the middle! So, so cute. Thanks for sharing the link with us.
