Friday, October 30, 2009

Pre-K Halloween Party

Wednesday was Ben's Pre-K Halloween Party at school! It was a very hectic day and to make matters worse I was feeling very sick! I had managed to dress up, I bought this Halloween costume a couple years ago and LOVE wearing it!

I figured that other parents would be dressed up....but guess what? I was the only one! Talk about embarrassing! But it was worth the gasps that I got from the kids as I walked into the room! It was special to them, and that's all that matters!

Don't you just love the shoes!
Here is a photo of me and my superheroes!
Since it was raining that day, they had their "parade" inside and walked through each classroom and received candy. Here they are lined up and ready! Alex isn't in school yet, but they let him participate in the parties and everything! That is really special to him!
Here is a group photo of the boys in his class! Ben and Alex are on the end! The two Darth Vadars make me laugh! They look identical and oh so cute!
Here is the whole group with the girls included.
These two costumes were my favorite, of course! Don't you just love that bumble bee costume and that cute little cupcake!?
Here's everyone in the cafeteria for their party! They had all kinds of good snacks and had a lot of fun!
I'm still feeling really sick. Tomorrow is Halloween and I at least plan to take the boys trick or treating around the block! Have a safe and Happy Halloween! And I'll post trick or treating photos tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute!

    Happy Halloween to you I hope you get to feeling better!

    ♥ Carrie
