Sunday, November 1, 2009

Still The One

6 years ago today....I married the man of my dreams! And no, I'm not talking about Richard Gere...I'm talking- BETTER! :)

Chris and I got married on November 1, 2003! It was a beautiful Fall day and the trees we just gorgeous in their blazing Fall colors!
I knew from the day I met Chris, he was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with!
He is the most caring, gentle, and sweet man! I cannot say enough great things about him!
I can only feel blessed that everyday is spent with him by my side! He is so supportive, and is the most amazing father!
He is one of those people that you feel lucky and blessed to just meet! And I'm the lucky one who is married to him! :)
The song "Still the One" by the Orleans really sums up our relationship! Everytime I hear that song I think of him! All the verses apply to the way I feel about him...but particularly these two:

"You're still the one I want to talk to in bed. Still the one that turns my head. We're still having fun, and you're still the one!"
"You're still the one that makes me laugh. Still the one that's my better half. We're still having fun, and you're still the one."

I love you Christopher! You are my soulmate and the most amazing person I have ever met! I am so blessed to be your wife! I fall more and more in love with you everyday!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful Anniversary :) What a lovely tribute to your husband and to your marriage. Much love to you.


  2. I love your wedding photos..It is great to see that you found someone who makes you so happy and is your rock to lean on. You deserve it! Happy Anniversary!


  3. Congratulations! What a lucky man;)
    I love your wedding photos, your dress is gorgeous!
    I hope you can make it to the linky party tomorrow, but if not whenever you have time.
    I'm glad you are taking some time to make some art!:)
    Chrissie Grace

  4. Congrats! Love your wedding dress!

    Wish you many more years to come of happy bliss!

  5. I hope you had a great Anniversary. Both of you are so very lucky to have something so special and true.
