Monday, December 28, 2009

Crafter's Withdrawal

I am totally going through some crafter's withdrawal or something! Especially spray painter's withdrawal (must be the fumes)! lol Just Kidding.

I'm not able to spray paint because of the cold weather....I hate this time of year because of that! I can't wait until Spring, so I can spray paint until my heart's content!

This week I'll share with you some projects that I finished, but didn't blog about! I can't believe that I didn't blog about them! That's probably because I was busy trying to get things completed before the cold weather hit! I have so many other cool projects that I want to complete, but they will have to wait until Spring!

So I've been going crazy because I've been so pre-occupied with the Holidays that I haven't had a chance to create! A few weeks back I was participating in "Make Some Art Mondays" over at Chrissie Grace, but she stopped hosting them for the time being. Also, I take a painting class on Wednesdays but they've been postponed after the first of the year. So I'm absolutely going crazy since I haven't created anything lately!

Tonight I was tired and didn't feel like anything but surfing the Internet. That's when I came across "Design Sponge" and spent the last few hours looking at before and after projects! My favorite one is this dog bed that was created from an old tv! You can read about the project here! Isn't this dog bed amazing?! And the dog is absolutely adorable as well! I think that Allie may just need one of these in pink of course!
So tomorrow I have decided to create something! That's my goal! There are so many projects inside my head, that I'll probably decide sometime tomorrow what I want to create! I'll make sure to post a photo! Have a wonderful night!


  1. I think I posted a link to that dog bed once in my blog. How funny that you found it, too! You might be the perfect candidate for "Wreck This Journal" - When I was going crafty crazy and couldn't find a thing to do, that book was saving grace. :)

    I can't wait to see what you do!


  2. That is soo funny that you may have posted the same dog bed! lol
    I've never seen it around before, and I thought that I was the first to stumble across it! lol
    I was all excited because I knew my mom had an old tv like that in her basement. When I asked her about it this morning, she said that my dad had already threw it out! My sister still has one that she still watches, so maybe when it finally breaks, she'll give it to me! I must make one for Allie! lol

  3. OMG at first I thought you made that dog bed but then realized you found the photo on the internet. Some people have the best insights for old stuff - not me, I see things and then get inspired to make - how fun anyway .. can't wait to see your projects.
