Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I'm finally back to the blogging world! I hate being one of those bloggers, who doesn't blog regularly...but hopefully in the New Year I can blog on a regular basis! Plus, Santa is bringing me a laptop so that will help me blog more conveniently! Sometimes I find it too hard to get away from the kids and go upstairs to blog....they get into so much trouble when I leave them downstairs alone for even a few minutes(see photo evidence #5)!

Plus this month was super hectic and crazy! I got my purse stolen a few weeks ago, from my car outside of my house! It had my wallet, social security card, and driver's license, and not to mention many credit cards! Plus my wonderful pink camera that my husband bought me on my last birthday! I don't understand how people can be so mean...especially near the holidays! It's just been one of those months!

Also my baby, Alexander, turned 3-years-old on December 12th. Here's a photo of him listening while everyone sang to him! Don't let his innocent face fool you...again see photo evidence #5! lol
Early in December we got enough snow to build our first snowman! Ben slept through the fun, but Alexander had a great time! We had no carrots, so my husband substituted with a celery stick nose, and gravel eyes!
A few days ago the East Coast got pounded with snow! We probably got 6-8 inches. Here is my little dog Allie trying to walk across the yard! Poor thing, she's up to her belly in snow!
Benjamin had an Advent Program for his school the other night! Here is the whole school standing in front of the church. We got to the program late. We really weren't late, we were actually on time. The paper that was sent home said: "Do not bring your child before 6:45pm." The program started at 7. So I followed orders...we showed up at 6:45 and the church was packed! This is a very large Catholic Church...and we sat a few rows from the back! I was allowed to go up front to take photos when Ben sang. Here he is in the middle when he first saw me. He got a huge smile on his face and winked at me! My heart melted! He's growing up soo fast!
Here is photo evidence #5. Alexander, my 3-year-old, ruined two dozen cookies by sticking his finger into each one! I told him all morning not to touch the cookies. I went upstairs for a few minutes, only to find him missing when I returned. He was hiding under the kitchen table saying "I sorry...I sorry!" I wanted to scream! lol
And lastly, last week I found a package in my mailbox! My blogger friend Kristin sent me this plaque! She knew my love for cupcakes and she thought it would be perfect for me! Well she's right...it's too perfect, and I love it! Thank you so much Kristin! Check out Kristin's amazing blog "The Goat!"
Tomorrow is Ben's Christmas Party at school. So I'm going to go and finish making chocolate covered pretzels for him to pass out to his friends! I'll post photos from the party tomorrow! Have a wonderful night!


  1. You are so very very welcome! I'm one of those random gift buyers. You may never see another one from me again LOL Just saying!! :) Love you Ruth Ann.

    Your boys are truly darling. The smiling singer in the front row, your celery toting husband and your finger licking chocolate poking baby. All darling. Good thing they love the stuffing out of you! :)

  2. Ruth Ann, I friended you on FB .. please accept. I'm glad you are posting to your blog again and I look forward to getting to know you a bit better thru your posts.

  3. Ruth Ann - Please accept Lori's FB friend invitation. She's going to need to start pumping you for information on your pink tree LOL
