Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fragments

This is my first "Friday Fragments." You can view other Friday Fragments over at "Half-Past Kissin' Time." I wanted to join in because my blog friend Kristin over at "The Goat" participates in this every Friday and I really enjoy reading about her week. It's a great thing to participate in when you don't blog everyday, like myself.
So here it goes....

Tuesday the movie "Amelia" came out starring Hilary Swank and Richard Gere. If you read my blog, you know that I am head over heels for the grey haired mega hunk! ;) I have to say two things. #1 I thought the movie would be a whole lot better than what it was. I was a little disappointed! I think maybe I was disappointed because the movie was about Hilary Swank mainly and not Richard Gere. You're probably thinking "duh" it's about "Amelia Earhart" but I thought it would be more of a love story.
#2 Besides being just an ok movie...Richard Gere was H-O-T! The hottest I have ever seen him! It might have been the clothes that men wore long ago, but I think it's just him because he'd look hot in anything! ;)


My little dog Allie got sick a couple days ago. She was shaking really badly and just wasn't herself. she wasn't even able to climb up the steps to get onto our bed! Anyhow after blood work they discovered that she had some sort of infection. They asked me whether I wanted to pick up the medicine there or have it called into my pharmacy. I chose the pharmacy because it's only 5 minutes away versus 20 minutes to the vet. When my husband picked up the prescription I had to laugh because it was Amoxicillin, you know the pink flavored kind that they give kids! When I was a little girl, I loved that kind of medicine! Well Allie loves it too! It's very easy to give it to her, she licks it right out of the medicine dropper!

Today I went to Ben's school. And you know I'm addicted to Super Mario Brothers when I'm getting game strategies from his 4-year-old classmates! lol Hopefully I'll be the cool mom!

Well that's about all the exciting things that have happened in my life this week! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! We're in the middle of a snowstorm. It's been snowing non-stop for hours! Hopefully it'll stop sometime soon!


  1. hahahaha ... it was dejavu reading this post - i need to stay off facebook. I loved every fragment though. When you play the little kids on mario bros, don't make them cry RA ...

  2. Ok you need to get Mario and Luigi Inside Browser its very good!

    Hope your doggy feels better soon!

  3. This post just showed up in my reader today! I kept wondering if you were going to do Friday Fragments this week or next?! lol

    I'm glad that your pup is taking the medicine eagerly. That's helpful!!

    I'm excited to have you as a FF participant :) Welcome!
