Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bye bye birdies!

I haven't posted anything in the last couple of days, because it has been super hectic around here. On Tuesday I spent the day shopping with my mom and when I got home look what I found! The baby birds finally left the nest! It was sad to see them go!
After I got home from shopping and I left my dog out, the mama and daddy birds were going CRAZY! Allie was at the fence sniffing and sniffing and the birds plus a few others joined in at dive bombing her! I yelled with fear that she got one of the birds, but luckily she didn't! They must have been nearby though. We checked the entire yard and there was no sign of feathers or the birds, so I guess it was a success! The mama and daddy birds were still coming at us angrily for a day or so, but we finally reclaimed the yard!

Yesterday we removed the nest and installed a steering wheel and telescope on the boy's play set. As we were taking down the nest one of the birds was throwing a fit for a minute or two, but finally flew away and left us alone! Maybe she was just thanking us for letting her stay over the past month! lol Next week I plan to take the nest and the photos in for the kids in Ben's class!

Yesterday Ben celebrated his birthday at school. His real birthday isn't until July, but they are celebrating it because school is out soon. I made cupcakes and stayed while the kids celebrated, and after the little party we stuck around the classroom as the kids played. Alex had such a great time playing with the big kids!

Here's Ben enjoying his little party!
This time I decided to make something simple. At Christmas I spent many hours making and decorating sugar cookies for Ben's Christmas party at school. In the end, most were not eaten and were thrown away. It was very frustrating! The cupcakes were easy, took no time at all, and they were all eaten! Definitely the way to go in the future!
Today I planted a miniature gnome garden and will post those photos tomorrow! It came out really cute! Hope you're having a great night!


  1. Sorry I haven't been by in a while. I had to go back and watch the progress on the baby birds. How NEAT that y'all go to watch them through eggs to birth to gone. I LOVE birds. GREAT pictures of it all.

    Yep, looks like batman cupcakes were definitely the way to celebrate a birthday!!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.♥

  2. I really should proofread before I hit publish....that word would be got.....How NEAT that y'all got to watch......

  3. I am still just amazed at the speed at which they lay eggs, hatch and fly away! You taught me something that's for sure. :)

    Kristin - The Goat

  4. i really like the cupcakes .. where did you buy all the batman insert things?

  5. RA, where did you get the batman insert things?
