Monday, May 10, 2010

Camping- Part 1

Mother's Day weekend we went on our first camping trip with our new camper! It was so exciting, and sooo cold! It got down to the 30's Saturday night! Thank goodness the heater worked well! I'm going to blog about our trip in two parts.

I'm going to give you the warning as I did when I shared these photos on Facebook. Warning: Proceed with extreme caution. I am not wearing any makeup and my hair is a mess! I'm camping people! :)

Here is our first official camping photo as a family! I bought a special frame, and plan to frame it in our camper!
Here I am cooking on the new grill! I never grilled before and this little baby worked so well! I made scrambled eggs with peppers, potatoes, and onions! It was very yummy!
The boys got to participate in crafts, despite the cold temp and extreme wind! They made me Mother's Day cards and little fans. Ben's fan says "Mom" and Alex's fan says "Alex!" lol Gotta love it!
This is the best two dollars that I ever spent. I purchased these foam swords at Target's Dollar Depot! They played with them all weekend long and had a great time! However I had to yell at them when I saw one of them beating another kid at the playground when they were playing pirates! lol
Here I am wearing my crown holding the "Queen For The Day" placemat. I can't actually say that I was "Queen for the Day" because Chris treats me like that at home everyday! I'm very lucky! ;)
Here Alex is giving the queen a kiss! He told me he wants me to wear that crown when he marries me someday! lol
Here is me and my sister-in-law Judy. She is awesome and I am so thankful that her and my brother spent the weekend camping with us! We had so much fun!
Here Chris was attempting to make Jiffy Pop! It didn't seem to be working well when he realized that he was supposed to shake it back and forth in the fire! Thank goodness we had a second pack!
Here's Alex patiently waiting for the popcorn to pop! He thought he'd wear the bowl as a hat!
This is the result of Chris' first attempt to make popcorn over the fire! Looks yummy doesn't it?! lol
Here is our group photo! We've decided to make camping on Mother's Day weekend a yearly tradition! Despite the cold and wind, we had a blast!


  1. awe it looks like a perfect mothers day and camping trip!



  2. It looks like so much fun .. I love that Alex said he was going to marry you .. my oldest used to say she was going to marry Mariah Carey when she was like 3 or 4 .. guess that's there way of saying they really really love that person.

  3. Love the crown :) you wear it well! My niece, Zora, says that Herman is her husband. Herman is their cat. Kids are so great that way.
