Saturday, May 22, 2010

What A Muddy Mess!

Today it poured outside. Ben had a soccer game scheduled, and they play in the rain. The only time they cancel the game is if it storms. It was pouring when we left the house. Luckily, by the time we got to the field it had stopped! His whole game was rain free....but not mud free!

Ben claims that he loves being dirty, but he was afraid to get muddy. His dirtiness only applies to baths. He says he likes being dirty so he doesn't have to take a bath! lol So at the game he told the coach that he didn't think they should play because of the mud. Well guess what she did? She rubbed his hands in the mud and told him to get use to it, and he doesn't have to worry about it now! lol

This is what his hands looked like after the game! And it really bothered me that they ate their half-time snack with these muddy hands!
These were his shoes and shin guards! I can't believe that we didn't think of taking an extra pair of clean clothes! lol Most parents were just stripping their children down and letting them ride home in their underwear! lol Luckily, we had a towel that he could sit on!
These kids look like they were mud wrestling! I wore my Crocs and if you own a pair you know that they make things slippery if wet or muddy. I nearly wiped out twice in all this mud! Luckily, I caught myself! Now that would have been a mess!

Ben looks soo serious in all of his photos! He's quite the player, he just needs to get in there and be more aggressive!
Here's Ben's reaction after his team scored a goal! He's so competitive and gets so excited when they score!
By the end of the game he was totally covered with mud. If you look closely, you can see the mud that's splashed all over his face! Muddy or not, he sure did have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. awww, little kids soccer is the most fun. don't worry, he'll gain his aggressiveness eventually or the fun of playing will fizzle. I love watching the muddy games. He looks like he was born to play!!
