Monday, October 27, 2008

I've been tagged!

My friend Echoeve, from, tagged me. I'm really excited that someone thought of me, thank you so much!

Here's how it works:

1.) Go to your Pictures folder on your computer.

2.) Go to your 4th folder.

3.) Get your 4th picture.

4.) Tag four people. This is one of the photographs that I took of a church in the mountains not far from our house. A storm was moving in and I enhanced it a little bit with Photoshop. This is one of my favorite photos in my photography collection.

I would like to tag four people, but since I'm rather new to blogging I don't know four people well enough to tag! lol

Anyway have a wonderful day!


Ruth Ann


  1. Wow! Amazing pic...I am horrible at taking pictures.

  2. Hi Ruth Ann,

    You won the earring giveaway! Send me your address so that I can get them in the mail to you.

    Denise :)

  3. I saw your blog from you winning the contest. This is an amazing picture and so I just had to comment on it. Wow, very moving...

  4. Hi Ruth Ann thanks for comming by my blog and for the sweet comments the shop was in ashland kentucky we live across the river from kentucky. the eye hood was hot glued in one of the holes. Have a great time in Hocking Hills its lovely there. Come by anytime to see me. I love your pic of the church

  5. Hi there Ruth Ann
    YOU have been booo-ED. Are you scared? come by and see what its all about.
    Take Care,

  6. Great pic! Just wanted to see how your day is going Ruth Ann? Talk to ya later.
    Hugs Beth
