Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm Back!

Hi everyone! Wow did I miss my blogging friends! It's been soo hectic since I last left you all! Let's see.... the holidays were crazy, especially around Christmas. My son's second birthday was on December 12th, but the only time we could have his party was December 20th and with Christmas so soon after that, it was very very hectic!

So anyway although it's a month was my little boy Alex at birth:

Here he is at about 7 months. I just love this photo:

And here he is at 2 years old. It was a monkey party theme. So I always send out invitations according to the theme. This is the photo I chose for his invites. And here's the invitation....I thought it turned out cute. Don't mind the blob at the bottom of the invite...I censored my phone number....not that I don't mind my blogging buddies calling me! ;)

And while I was absent from blogging...I taught myself how to decorate cakes! Let's see I made my first cake for my son's birthday, I made a snowman cake for Christmas, and I made a castle/princess cake for my friend's little girl! Here's my first cake...

And how cute are these cupcakes!

Like I said, it's just been plain crazy around here! It seems that since my son turned two- he joined the "terrible two's club"! I've been losing my mind lately! More on that in another blog. I did realize one thing though.... I really missed my blogging friends and since I haven't blogged in such a long time I've gotten more depressed! It just goes to show you that blogging is great therapy!
Have a great night everyone!

Ruth Ann


  1. I am so glad you are back it has been too long.

    You did a really good job on the birthday stuff,and he is really cute.

    My 4 year old loves monkeys. great idea. loved the invites

  2. Everything looks great. Love those cupcakes. Too cute.

  3. So glad you're going to participate in the Valentine's Day Swap! I'm happy to discover you blog...never can read too many!

  4. Ruth Ann glad to see you back..I was wondering what happened to you..I figured you might have given up on this place. Some people try different blogging sites till they find the one that is right for them...anyway glad your back!

    I have to admit...I just cleaned up my spot and took you off since it was a good while...sorry but your added back and if you diosapear again for anytime you will stay on...Yes blogging is great therapy! Talk to ya later...

    Oh yeah your baby is a cutie and love the cakes...great job you did...must show us the princess cake.

  5. I wanted to thank you for coming by my blog!! I will certainly add your name to the giveaway!! Good Luck!!

    Your little boy is TOO cute!! I SO miss that age!! Mine are 17 and 15!! Not that, they aren't great kids but when they are that little they are big snuggle bugs and at 17and 15...not so much!! LOL!!

    Oh and BTW, I totally agree that blogging is GREAT therapy. And a heck of a lot cheaper than a therapistt!! LOL!!

    Hugs!! Carrie

  6. I have been wondering about you. Glad to see you're OK.

  7. Hi Ruthanne, I see why you liked the cupcake frame. lol! Love your background! So your in the terrible 2s, I remember those son is 9 now, I can't believe it! Time flies.....Thanks for stopping by! Kristen
