Friday, January 16, 2009

Lazy Day

Today it was FREEZING outside! Although it was cold, I managed to hit three thrift stores while my hubby babysat! I didn't find anything spectacular, but I just needed to get out! When I arrived at home the boys were snuggled up on the couch, so I decided to join them.

We watched cartoons and had a great time!

On another note, I just wanted to share with you this video that was on April's blog (Straight from the Heart). This video shows and amazing relationship...if only we could all learn from this! Thanks for sharing this April....this video made me cry! In order to hear this inspirational video, you'll have to turn my music off on the sidebar to the right. Just hit pause or stop.

I plan to post the other cake photos that I promised in tomorrow evening's post. Oh, and guess what? We're going to pick out a puppy tomorrow! I'm so excited. We're getting a Golden Retreiver puppy! We won't be able to take her home for another couple of weeks though...but I plan to take my camera! I'll share that photo with you as well! In the meantime....stay warm!




  1. Oh, what a great story! I've got an online thing where we are pairing people up with their "twin" and this is going to be a part of it, as of right now. Thanks!
