Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pay It Forward!

Tonight, I was over at Lori's blog: Morning Glories and Moonflowers. Lori is very talented, and has a really great Etsy shop! She is participating in a really awesome event! She has agreed to send a lovely handmade item within the next 365 days to the first three people who sign up for this round. I happened to be one of the lucky ones!
In return, I agreed to "Pay It Forward" and spread the joy by sending a homemade goodie to the first three people who sign up here. The only catch, of course, is that you agree to continue this lovely chain of handmade happiness to three people of your own.
Please leave me an e-mail address to get in touch with you! :)
Hugs and have a wonderful Friday!
-Ruth Ann


  1. Really cool idea! Add me in this also!

  2. I want a homeade goodie and I promise to pay it forward.


  3. I've been looking for a recent participant! If I'm third- please count me! I will PIF within a year (thats the conditions right?)
    Let me know what I need to next!

  4. ps- I followed you from Lori's blog :O) my email is: awtemnymfATgmailDOTcom

  5. Such a great idea...I'm sure I'm probably too late, but let me know if by some miracle I'm not!!

  6. Ruth Ann- Look at you! You already have 3 people signed up!:) Thanks for the great post and for featuring my shop, too.:) I can't wait to make something lovely for YOU! Lori
