Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My puppy and an Award!

Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you an update on my puppy Dixie. Yesterday she went to the vet and she still has a Urinary Tract Infection...poor thing! It's making her housetraining very difficult! She was put on another round of stronger antibiotics, so hopefully it will now clear up!

Since her last appointment (ten days ago) she gained 4 pounds! She now weighs a whopping 16 pounds! She's such a little cuddly moose!

Last week I made her official "birth announcement!" I know, she's not a baby, but I wanted to make something to celebrate her birth! Here it is:

I got the baby scale at an antique store in Ohio and I was just dying to photograph something on it! Since I won't be having anymore babies, I thought it would be perfect for the dog! And no I don't have pink walls (eventhough I would love that)...I just used the magic of Photoshop! The bow in her hair is just a digital scrapbooking element too! She can't wear bows yet, her hair isn't long enough! Hopefully by this summer her hair will be longer and she'll be sporting all kinds of cute pink bows! And that is her "official name"....Duchess Dixie Valentine!

Now on to my award! Yesterday I was so excited to find out that Kelli from "Outside My Kitchen Window" gave me an award! My first ever award....I was jumping up and down! Kelli has such a wonderful blog about her precious have to check it out! Thank you soo much Kelli! This means alot!

The rules of this award are:
Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I'd like to give this award to some of my new blog friends:
Kristin: The Goat

Beth: Rambling Gal

Lori: Morning Glories and Moonflowers

Betsy: Snips, Snails, and Mommy tales.

Darlene: Darlene's Days.

Carrie: Carrie's Little World.

Amber: The McIllece Spot.

Echo: Echo Kirkland.


  1. Hi Ruth Ann,

    I LOVE Dixie's birth announcements....they are adorable! Poor baby...I hope the new antibiotic gets her over the infection. No fun for her or for you with trying to potty train her.

    Thanks so much for the award. I don't have that one and I truly appreciate it!

    Also, LOVE the pictures from your dinner cruise on Valentine's. How romantic!♥

  2. Ruth Ann! Thank you so much, Sweetie! I can't wait to post this on my blog!!!

    Your little Dixie is too cute for words!!!! LOVE her! I hope that she gets better soon.:) Darling announcements! Lori

  3. You are too sweet. Thank you for the lovely award! I look forward to checkin' out the rest of the blogs that are new to me...

    Dixie is precious.

  4. I love Dixie's announcement too cute!

    Thank you so much for the award its means alot!

    And thanks for the prayers for a healthy little boy!

  5. AH that is such a cute puppy and a Birth Announcement!!!! Love it!

  6. Hi Ruth Ann! What a cute post about your puppy. She is adorable! I love her name Dixie Valentine! I hope she is feeling better soon!

    Have a great weekend!

