Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine Swap Goodies!!!!

I was recently in a Valentine Swap and was paired up with Kristin! We got to know each other over the past couple weeks, and she is just the sweetest thing EVER! You have to check out her fabulous blog: The Goat! She always has the most interesting things to talk about, and I enjoy visiting it and reading it daily!

Back to my Valentine Goodies....much to my surprise I received this on Saturday! She sent me a Martha Stewart Living Magazine, cute scrapbooking supplies, a cupcake paper punch (which I cannot wait to play around with), Silicon Heart Baking Cups, Bean Soup Mix, a flower, and these cute little makeup brushes in a cute black case with pink stitching! She just knows me tooo well! It's funny cause I feel like we have a connection, because we have soo much in common!

She also made me these cute little pebble stone magnets, which I forgot to include in the photo...sorry. I put them on my fridge when I opened the package and forgot to display them in the picture. You'll have to keep checking her blog, because she is going to post a tutorial on how to make them! I can't wait!

I cannot wait to scrapbook and make something with all these great goodies! Thank you so much Kristin! It was awesome getting to know you and I hope we stay in touch!

Ruth Ann


  1. I totally forgot about the silk flowers LOL I got those on a Christmas gift basket -- and when I was packing up the box, there was this little spot that needed something...and I spotted the flowers. So I tucked them in.

    I loved being your swap partner as well -- and I will be blogging about that tomorrow. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you, it has been a real pleasure. I'm so happy that you liked the box full of valentine goodness.

  2. It looks like you received some fabulous things in your Valentine Swap....what FUN!!

  3. Hi Ruth Ann!

    I blogged about the gifts you sent to me! Ruth Ann's fabulous swap gifts

    Thanks again and again!

  4. Hi!!! I'm here via "The Goat" (her blog title cracks me up - she is soooooooooooooooooo NOT a

    Looks like yall had a total BLAST in the swap!!!!!
