Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chandelier For The Seasons

Now that my kitchen is close to being finished, I finally finished my chandelier! I got this brass chandelier off of Craigslist for $30.00 last year. I realize now that I overpaid, because I've since seen this type in thrift stores for $10!

Anyway here is a blurry photo of the chandelier. Excuse the mess, our one garage is completely disorganized-especially since we're remodeling. All the tools and old doors and whatnots end up in here. I wish I would have taken a better photo, but I totally forgot until it was ready to be spray painted. So here it is, ready to be painted.
I lightly sanded it and used baby wipes to wipe off any excess dust and fingerprints.
I primed it and then painted it white. I actually painted it off-white, and then after it was hung in the kitchen it looked bad! Because the walls are white, it made the chandelier look yellowish. So I took it back out to the garage for another round of spray paint! So here it is finished and white!

After it was hung, I had a wonderful idea to take the candle cover parts that cover the wires and mod podge seasonal scrapbook paper onto them! I figured I could change them out each season and it would add to the decor!
You can buy the candle cover things at Lowe's. They are super inexpensive, a pack of two is about a dollar or two! Here is what I did:
First, I layed the candle cover thingy (my technical term) on the edge of a sheet of 12x12 scrapbook paper. I measured it's height, and then took my paper cuter and cut a long strip off.

Next, I layed the candle cover thingy onto the long strip and rolled it until it was completely covered and marked the paper so I knew where to cut. I then cut the paper and adhered it around the candle cover thingy using permanent scrapbook adhesive. You could use Mod Podge, but I wanted to finish this project quickly. If your measurements are a little off and the paper is sticking above the candle cover thingy, you could use sandpaper to sand it off before using the Mod Podge. I sanded the first time that I made these, and then discovered it's easier to just use scissors and trim of the edges!
Finally, I put a nice layer of modge podge on the candle cover thingy and left it dry! It was then ready to slip onto my chandelier! Here is a closeup of my chandelier decorated for Halloween, using candy corn scrapbook paper!
My kitchen is pink, so here is the everyday look.
The possibilities are endless! Think of the fun you can have decorating it for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and Oooh the Fourth of July!

Go on over to "A Soft Place to Land" and see more DIY projects!


  1. The candy corn is too much fun! :-) Good job.
    pk @ room remix

  2. Great project! It's amazing what a coat of white paint can do.

    I've never seen those candle cover thingies before. Great idea!


    PS - Looks like we have a lot in common. :) I live right outside of Pittsburgh and I graduated from Penn State too...although quite a while ago.

  3. What a cute idea! I love the scrapbook paper idea!!

  4. That chandelier is great and I LOVE how you are changing it up with the scrapbook paper! That is just toooooo CUTE!

  5. Ha! What a riot that we did the exact same chandelier. I love it in white as well and your candle sleeves are great. Great minds think alike. :) Hope to see you around!

  6. What a hoot! I love the idea of using a little bit of scrap paper to sesonalize your chandelier. It looks fab in white :) Great Job!

    Kristin - The Goat

  7. Oh Ruth Ann this is so cute! I have been looking for one to go in my dining room like yours...I saw one at the thrift store for 25.00 so maybe that is a good price.

  8. What a neat idea using the scrapbook paper...loooove the look!


  9. This is a great idea! I've been trying to come up with an idea to dress up our boring chandelier and I'm so glad I saw this...
