Friday, January 8, 2010

Video: Lots and Lots of Snow

Hi everyone! Hope you are staying warm in this harsh winter weather! Today I went outside to take a video of my backyard! I wanted to show you how much snow we have so far; and it is continuing to come down like crazy! Make sure you turn the sound off on my music player if you want to hear me talk. Also, I'm really sick still so my voice is all harsh sounding! lol

As you can see the stairs on the outside of our garage are just completely covered and piled full of snow!

On another note, I finally found a pair of winter boots. I've been wearing my pink cupcake rain boots, but they are not insulated. I went to the store the other day and my feet were actually stinging and throbbing. That's when I knew in this weather I needed something warmer and made for the snow! I have Uggs that I absolutely LOVE, but they are not meant to get covered with the snow. Our snow is so deep almost to my knees! So I went shopping at Walmart last night, which was a disaster. It seemed like everyone was out there grocery shopping! There was no bread and no ground meat! the

There was however a pair of pink knee high winter boots with the faux sheepskin lining. They were only $7! I thought it would probably be better than the rain boots, so I bought them and came straight home for a comparison! lol There I was around 10 at night with one pink cupcake rain boot on one foot and a hot pink snow boot on the other. The neighbors must have thought I was crazy as I stomped through the snow. Anyway guess which boot won....the cheap $7 Walmart boot! I was very excited! Anyway, you'll see my new boots in the video! Enjoy!

Stay warm and have a fantastic Friday night!


  1. WOW that is a LOT of snow!! I LOVE your new pink boots and glad they are keeping your feet warm. I can't believe the frigid temperatures that are in so many states. It seems like since our Christmas Eve blizzard the weather has just been bone chilling cold. We have temps today at 23 but with the wind chill earlier it was -1......way too cold!! I loved seeing your pup and hearing your voice in the video. Hope you have a great weekend and can stay warm.♥

  2. Those boots are cute - but I saw quite a bit of bare leg...were you wearing a skirt or something?!

    That's a ton of snow, but it looked like your dog was having a great time.

    No rats in my condo thank god.

  3. HAHA...I was out in shorts! lol I always go out half dressed when I'm not outside long! lol It wasn't that cold! You see crazy people around here all the time in shorts in this weather! lol

  4. I came back to say the first time I saw salt dough ornaments was on Cobblestone Farms blog. We were going to make them just like the heart ones she showed in a post but someone asked if we were going to do them as conversation hearts and I think we are going to now paint them different colors like that. I love Cobblestone Farms blog. She always has so many neat things she has painted or made and I love it all!

  5. hahaha, i'm not going to comment on the amount of snow cuz we've had that much many times over since the beginning of december, but I LOVE THE PINK BOOTS and so glad for $7 they are keeping you toasty.
