Sunday, March 21, 2010

POTD: Snow Humor

I finally got my laptop back! YAY! Now I can blog more conveniently and on a regular basis!

This means more Photos of the Day! Here is one that I wanted to post last month when we had that huge snowstorm. I didn't post it then, because we had so much snow I didn't want to blog about it! lol

Here is a local church billboard! Don't you just love their sense of humor!
I am so glad that Spring is finally here. Hopefully we will not see this billboard for a very long time! Happy Spring!


  1. yay I am glad you are back! Cute sign lol


  2. That sign is hilarious!!! Glad you have your laptop back...YAY

  3. I bet that has brought a smile to many a face this winter!! Have 'em pray to send dome snow our way!!

  4. I love it!!!

    I need to get back into the POTD groove myself.

  5. what a funny sign !! welcome back.
