Monday, April 12, 2010

More Photos from the Retreat

I got back late afternoon yesterday from my retreat! I had such a great time, that I hated leaving, but looked forward to seeing my family! The boys were excited to see me, but Ben was disappointed that I had to miss his first soccer game! I had scheduled this retreat way before he signed up for soccer, so I had no idea at the time that I would miss it!

Here are the other photos that I said I would post. This is the area where we crafted! (Photo by: Ang Valent)
We had two talented ladies in our group who knit and crocheted! This was the room that they hung out in. Isn't it great?! I sat in this room alot with them, it was soo cozy! (Photo by Ang Valent)
On Saturday I took a walk outside and they had this wonderful pond on their property. If you look through the trees you can see the building that we stayed in.
The back side of the building was the entrance to the office and chapel. Look at this beautiful arch that led the way to their back entrance! I love all of the details in this old building!
And I cannot forget about this cute little guy! As I mentioned the other day, there are elderly people who run this Bible College. They take care of the maintenance and cooking. They live in apartments in the upstairs. The one lady has two little pugs that are just adorable! I didn't get a picture of Sassy, but this is Elliot! I just love his sad little eyes!

These were the first pugs that I met, so I don't know if it's the personality of this particular dog or in the breed, but they were very much like a cat! could call them and most dogs will run to you and you can pet them and play with them. These dogs came to you on "their" terms only when "they" wanted...just like a cat! lol
I feel just like this pug looks...sad...I miss the great time I had this weekend! But I'm looking forward to the end of September, because there is another retreat being planned!


  1. sounds like you had a wonderful time what did you work on?

    Have a great day


  2. RA, looks like a great place to spend the weekend crafting .. I love the grounds.

  3. What a lovely place - I like the archway, too - beautiful.
