Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Round Hill Park- Part 1

Yesterday I took the boys to Round Hill Park for a photo shoot! Round Hill Park is an exhibit farm, which is about a half hour from my house. They have pavilions for picnics, playgrounds, a duck pond, and various farm buildings. There is no admission, which is wonderful, and it's such a great place to take photos!

First we ate lunch in the pavilion, and then we went to feed the ducks. After that we explored the many buildings that was at the farm. More on that tomorrow, when I post some photos of the baby animals!
Here are some of my favorite photos of the day. If you want to see the whole album, you can view it at my photography site HERE. I used the opportunity of taking a rest in the shade as a photo opp!

The views from this park are awesome! I'm going to be sure to visit this Fall, when I know it will be beautiful!
This is my favorite place in the whole park! I just love this lane! I can't wait until Fall, I bet it's just beautiful with the trees that line the lane!

Check back tomorrow, when I post some photos of the cute little baby animals! Have a great day!


  1. You take such great photos of your kids. I bet this park would be gorgeous in the fall - but it's really nice for these spring photos, too :)

  2. You take amazing photos RA, I couldn't tell who was who because they were dressed alike LOL.
