Sunday, August 16, 2009

Countdown to the Wiggles!

The Wiggles concert in Pittsburgh is two days away! I am very excited! This will be our third year of seeing them! They are fantastic! Even if I didn't have children I would probably still go to their shows anyway!

If they come to your area, it is definitely worth the money to see them! I'm excited because this year will be Alex's first time at going! We felt he was too little to go in the past, and this year at 2 1/2 it's a great age to sit and enjoy a show! He especially loves watching musicals on tv, so this will be perfect for him! They put on such a magical show! Here is a photo of one of the dance routines. They have the most vibrant costumes and it's soo energetic and really holds the children's attention!
Here is Anthony and Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Here I am meeting Anthony (he's my favorite Wiggle...can you blame me)?!!! But you know Richard Gere is still my #1...right! Anthony comes in at a close second!Here's Ben in the outfit that I made for him! He's holding the car that he gotten autographed. I swear the kids want to play with that car all the time, but it's just for display and I won't let them...does that make me a bad mother? lol Please don't answer that!

Look at the cute hat that I made, and the cute patched jeans! This year I didn't have time to coordinate two matching outfits for my boys! So, I have this pair from last year that Alex will fit into, but cannot find the fabric to coordinate a second matching outfit. Sooo, tomorrow I think I will head to Joann Fabrics and find some fabric to whip together a matching outfit! Like I said, I don't have the time...but it's for a good cause and makes such great photos! I'll be sure to post photos on Wednesday! :) I really do think that since there is four of us and four Wiggles that my whole family should dress like them. We could all wear different colored shirts! lol The problem is I cannot get my husband to agree on such an idea! Too bad, I was liking that idea!
And one last is Ben with one of the backup dancers (Benny). I think it's such a cute photo eventhough my Ben looks very frightened!


  1. What FUN!!! The Wiggles was one of Lexi's favorite shows when she was young. We actually saw the Wiggles in Houston when we went to visit Nana and Poppy. They do put on a FABULOUS live show! It is sooooo cute to watch all the kiddos dance and sing to all their songs.

  2. That is so husband was just asking me about the Wiggles this past weekend!! Enjoy the show!

  3. I know nothing about the Wiggles, but it looks like it's fun for the whole family!! Enjoy :)

  4. Oh Ruthann I had no idea he was so good looking close up. Tell your hubby wear the shirt, be a kid, and get over it. Greg would! Have a great time and sent me pics! Take a fan in case you have a hot flash. lol (some day I'll send you the pic of Greg dressed as a puppy for halloween)

  5. Oh goodness Ruth Ann it looks like you all had a blast!

    Hope all is well with you and I am glad to see you back blogging...I sure miss you when your gone!

  6. Girlfriend come visit me...I have missed your cheary self and those adorable little babies of yours. How are they doing?
