Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First Day of School

Today was Ben's first day of Preschool! He's going three full days a week! Despite the look on his face, he was really excited! lol Here he is showing off his Diego bookbag and Spiderman lunchbox!
Here's his school. We decided to send him to Catholic school. It was the same school that his daddy attended long long ago! The school is nearly 100 years old! It turns 100 in 2011!
Here he is in his classroom...again with his "fake" smile! He smiles like this because I take soo many pictures of him all the time, and he gets tired of it! Plus I think he is a little apprehensive!
After I picked him up today, I took him to Dairy Queen for a special treat! he smiles! Don't you just love sprinkles?! I know I do!
Did you ever see those plates that say something like "I am special?" They sell for close to $30 a plate! It was a tradition that I wanted to start with my kids, but wow that's expensive! Luckily, I found this one at a yard sale for $1! I plan to use it on birthdays and special occassions! I told him whenever he has a special day he can use it! Don't mind the uncovered outlet above his head...we're on the last stage of remodeling so it's not complete yet!
Here is one of the few special surprises that I had for him! I spoil my boys way too much! But that's ok...they deserve it!
And here is a little cup I bought for him and his brother. I just took a closeup to show you the cuteness!
And what would be a post without talking about my little Alex? Alex was soo excited for the first day of school. He actually thought he was going! He wanted to take his bookbag, just like his big brother Ben! He carried it on his back inside school, and when he left he was a little disappointed! He wanted to stay with Ben! Here is Alex with his daddy on his way back to the car! He's too cute! He really missed his big brother today!
So you're probably wondering what I've been up to the past couple of weeks! Well...ALOT! Let's see a couple weeks ago was the Wiggles concert that I blogged about! Well that ended up being a disaster...Alex started throwing up the night before and our car ended up breaking down on the Parkway after the concert! It was a nightmare! I have photos and can blog about it if anyone is interested?!
But the last couple of weeks I have been reorganizing our house! We're on our last stage of remodeling the kitchen so I've been busy getting our rooms back together. Our livingroom use to be a joint livingroom/diningroom/kitchen for the last 6 months! Our house literally looked ransacked! So I've been busy with that! We get our new counters next week! YEAH! So once my kitchen is complete, I'll share it with you!
Now that school has started it has freed me up a bit to blog on a more regular come back and visit me soon!
Have a great week!
-Ruth Ann


  1. Ben looks so cute and yes, you can definitely tell the "real" smile from the fake!! Lexi does that and I just say get that fake smile off your face and she starts laughing which gets me a "real" smile!!!!

    Oh, I am so sorry about the Wiggles concert!! That is too bad after looking forward to going.

  2. Oh yes I see the fake smile but that smile is for real with the ice cream...funny how our kids know when to smile and not to....hehehe...Lexi is just like that.

    Oh how terrible to hear about the trouble with the concert night.

    So glad to hear you will be back blogging more...I am so happy to see you around....

    Wow that is a long time for a school and I can't believe mine was all excited to start. Love the pic of daddy and little one from behind...those are the pics that make me smile.

  3. Oh my, Ben just looks so excited about going to school. I know thats all Dylan talks about ,"he's in kindergarden" And that ice cream looks delish..especially the sprinkles.

  4. Congrats!! He looks so sweet, even with his fake smile. Love the special plate, too!! Great thrifting on that one :)
