Monday, May 3, 2010

Movie Monday-Primal Fear

My latest Richard Gere movie review is "Primal Fear" from the year 1996. Richard Gere plays a cocky attorney (Martin Vail) who basically takes on cases which will get him noticed. In the movie a well known priest is brutally murdered and an altar boy (played by a young Edward Norton) is accused of the crime.

While all the evidence points towards Edward Norton's character, Richard Gere's character truly believes his client and goes to great lengths to defend him! I don't want to give away too much and would like to keep this review short because it's a great movie and I don't want to spoil it for you!

Edward Norton really outshined Richard Gere in this movie! This is surprising since it was only his second movie!

This movie is full of surprises and was actually really good! I give this movie a Richard Gere hotness ranking of a 9! He always looks good in suits! :) He was a bit cocky, but his looks makes up for the attitude!


  1. this is one of my favorite RG movies. I loved it. the twist at the end is CRAZY and i never expected it .. did you?

  2. I never expected the ending either! It really was a great movie!

  3. Well, I've never seen it, but that's not unusual :) I've heard of it though! I love the RG hotness scale LOL you are such a hoot!!

  4. The RG hotness scale is a new thing to add to my reviews! You'll find that his newer movies will have a higher hotness rating, because he's getting older! lol
