Sunday, May 2, 2010

Yard Sale Finds-Part 1

Today is Day 8 of the bird nest and I didn't bother going near it. I still want to give her a day or two to recover from her loss. However, my husband checked in on it and said there was only three. She didn't lay another egg to replace the one she lost.

I mentioned yesterday that I found some awesome things at the yard sales. I figured I would do a three part series on my finds! I love antique thread with the wooden spools. Normally when you do come across them they are expensive! I found a whole huge bag full and asked the lady how much for the bag. She said it was priced. I saw a price tag on one of the spools and it said $1.00. I figured she was asking a dollar a bobbin. I looked closely at the tag and it said $1.00 for the entire bag! YAY! Don't these bobbins look so yummy? I love the colors!
I have some of them displayed in a large candle holder that I have! I'll share more of those photos when I do my kitchen tour in a couple weeks! There were some empty wooden spools in the bag as well, but I love them all! I counted them once I got home and there was 100! Yep...only one penny per bobbin! What a bargain! :)

It's hard to believe that a spool of thread was once only 15 cents!
I have another cool find to share with you tomorrow and a really cool story that goes with it!


  1. That's awesome! I've always loved the old wooden spools and thread, but never collected them. Then my blogging friend, Dust Bunny, gave me a jar of them to me when I saw her last. It was so cool!

    I can't wait to see what you got on your travels :)

  2. fun find for sure!!
