Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm off on a mini vacation!

I am sooo sorry that I have not posted in a little over a week! It has been so hectic here, and besides that I haven't been feeling all that well. Just to give you an update, I did see my specialist on Wednesday and he said that I have both fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. So that explains the near constant pain that I've been having. The only down side to the diagnosis is there's a lot of people who don't believe that fibromyalgia exists. But I guess it's time to not worry about others and only myself, right?
I plan to change my lifestyle a bit. My goal is to get eat right and to give up the caffeine. Plus, I need to exercise. I think that this pain that I'm experiencing is like a wakeup call to start taking care of my body. Does anyone have any advice on how I can ease into a healthier life?
Tomorrow (actually later today) I am leaving for our anniversary trip to Ohio! We have been married for five years! I can't wait to relax and have some one on one time with my husband! Besides relaxing, I'm going to do some antiquing! I'm on the lookout for a pink rotary phone! Last year we took this same trip and they had several at this particular antique store. So keep your fingers crossed that they'll still have one!

I plan to take many pictures, so I'll share some when I get back. We plan to get home on Wednesday, but I won't post anything until Thursday! Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

One last thing....look what I received in the mail a few days ago:
I was the lucky winner of this beautiful pair of "Picasso" earrings! Aren't they gorgeous?!!!!

Thank you so much Denise!!!! You can visit Denise at Polka Dot Moon at:

And visit her awesome etsy site at:


Ruth Ann


  1. Hey. Thanks for stopping by. I love visitors. I hope that there is some good treatment for your diagnosis. Enjoy your vacation. What part of Ohio?

  2. Hope you have a great vacation!

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!

    smiles, kari & kijsa

  3. I hope you enjoy your vacation too! I found your blog a few days ago and think its really neat. Good luck with your condition as well. You might want to visit another favorite web site of mine,
    The woman who writes the blog for it has both chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromylaga (if I spelled it right),and is now pregnant. You might find some good advice on it.
