Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Canopy Tour in Ohio!

I just got back from my mini trip to Hocking Hills Ohio! We had a blast! We went on a Canopy Tour where they strap you to a zip line and you whiz from tree to tree! I was thinking that since I've been in pain it wouldn't be a good idea. But I had to at least try it since I had made these reservations months ago before my pain started. Anyway, the harnesses and straps did all the was a piece of cake! And fun too! Here I am going on one of the zip lines.
Here is my husband on one of the high zip lines. See him in the middle of the photo!
Here we are together. This was a little scary.... look at our feet....we are actually hanging off of the platform in mid air! A few days later we went on a hike to see a natural rock bridge. It is located in Rockbridge Ohio (creative name, huh!). It is the second largest rock bridge in the country. It was a two mile hike to the rock bridge, but I did it! Four miles total! Who would have thought I could do it....and in my Uggs too! lol
Here is a photo of my husband on the rock bridge.
Here I am on the rock bridge. The trail had a couple of steep hills. Here I am resting on one of the benches! Overall we had a great time! It was cold- in the thirties. So if you ever plan to go on a canopy tour, it's probably wiser to go during the spring or summer. It was cold spending 2 1/2 hours in the trees in thirty degree weather! But it was worth it!
One interesting thing is that the pain from my fibromyalgia dramatically decreased while I was away. I figured it was due to not having any stress and being physically active. The day after I arrived home the pain came back. I am now planning on incorporating a daily exercise routine to my schedule as well as some stress reducing techniques- such as meditation. But we'll see... we all know as mothers.....we never really are able to take time for ourselves!
Ruth Ann


  1. OOOHHH I love zip lines, it looks like that was alot of fun...!

  2. That looks like it was a BLAST!! Looks like a beautiful area you were in!

  3. It looks like you had a ton of fun. The zip line looks really cool. I'm glad my state was able to offer you some fun times!
    Oh and no you don't have to use the blue cheese. Maybe at ranch dressing or leave it out completely. I'm sure it would still be yummy.

  4. I am so glad that yall had such a good time.

    We are going to Nemicoln next weekend.
    We are going to my high school reunion. I went to Uniontown High School 15 years ago.

    I grew up in Confluence. My family is still there.
