Friday, November 14, 2008

A Scrappy Wall Quilt

I finally finished my scrappy little wall quilt that I've been working on! I call it scrappy because #1 I had no pattern, I just free styled. And #2 I am a beginner when it comes to quilting. This is my second attempt!

Anyhow, this started as a 8 x 10 piece of muslin and was supposed to be just some hand embroidery, but I took it a little further and turned it into a wall quilt!

I just measured out some squares and sewed them on around my 8 x 10 hand stitched piece and VOILA a little quilt. I added some batting to the inside and plain muslin for the backing. Then I blind stitched the binding on. As you can tell I need some practice with my binding. I'm having trouble getting it even- especially near the corners.
Here is a closeup of the text. It says:

"Once in a while- right in the middle of an ordinary life- LOVE gives us a fairytale!"
Here is a closeup of the hand quilting and the button details. I think the buttons go well with that particular type of fabric print.Just one of my many projects that I wanted to share! Have a wonderful weekend!


Ruth Ann


  1. Hi Ruth Ann,
    Thanks for the visit and comment. Love your little wall quilt!

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous! What a treasure! Thanks for the comments on my "egg' bracelets, too! I love the idea of "princess or fairy" eggs!:) Have a great day! Lori

  3. Cute! Keep up the good work. I have no craftiness in me, but I like to see others do it.

  4. Hi there Ruth Ann, I just wanted to stop by and see what you've been up to (since I boo'd you a while back...smiles). Looks like you've been busy. I'm so jealous of your sewing abilities. I love what you made. If you like, stop by my blog on wednesday, I'll be having a giveaway. Take Care

  5. Oh I judt had to tell you how much I like your background of all the cupcakes! Where ever did you find it? It's so cute! Daisy~

  6. Oh this is cute! I just bought me some muslin adn I am going to try my 1st attempt to make something.

  7. Hi there - I clicked over from Kelli's blog. What a sweet little quilt of you and your husband. I'd love to do that! :)
