Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pop Goes the Weasel!

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Yesterday was such a beautiful day, we spent most of it outside! In the distance we heard the faint sound of the ice cream truck! So I gave each of the boys a dollar and we went out front and waited...and waited and waited some more! It would sound close and then fade away! We probably waited a half hour before he actually showed up! lol The tune "Pop Goes the Weasel" has been ingrained in my head! During that time we discovered an ant colony and we fed them popcorn! The boys loved watching the ants carrying around their crumbs!

As you can tell by the looks on their faces, they enjoyed being able to spend money!
Ben said and I quote: "This is my most favorite bill EVER!"
Here's Alex showing me his dollar!
And finally...the ice cream man came!
And here they are enjoying their banana popsicles on a hot day!
Today was a really cold day. I went to a used rubber stamp sell that was held outside in Pittsburgh, and some lady was wearing winter gloves! It was very cold outside! I also visited a thrift store and found some really cool items that I'll share with you in a few days! In the meantime...have a wonderful night!
-Ruth Ann


  1. Awwww they are so cute! We are in a big (country type) neighborhood and don't have an ice cream truck that comes around. Lexi would LOVE it if we did. I remember in Houston lining up for the ice cream truck. They look like they are really enjoying that ice cream...YUM!

  2. Aww so adorable! ummm those popsicles look yummy!

    It's cold her in GA today!

  3. Yummy! I bet you are over the cold!

  4. What a lovely memory this makes =)

  5. Your boys are just adorable! The ice cream truck song really can get stuck in the old brain. Good thing it finally came by!

  6. update this for me! i want to see new pictures of ben and alex!! =]

  7. Missing you Ruth Ann....Gotta take some more pics of my tea plates...My camera messed up and the memory card was corrupted and I lost all those pixs...Gonna to get them taken this weekend...I am loving those dishes...We have actually eaten on them a couple of times...Your so sweet and I think of you each time.

  8. Come back soon Ruth Ann! I posted my pics but still having issues with my camera so the cups are not in the pics...
