Friday, July 31, 2009

Busy Summer-but I'm finally back!

Hey everyone! Sorry that I have been gone for a couple of's been such a hectic summer. We're still remodeling our kitchen. We should be done in about three weeks! So far we've tiled the floor and put in the cabinets...we have some minor things left to do and we'll be finished! I cannot wait! I've been several months without a kitchen and my waist shows it! I'm so sick of take-out! I cannot wait to eat healthy again!

So far this summer we've visited the zoo, had a dinner cruise on the rivers in Pittsburgh, visited a farm, attended 2 family reunions, blew lots of bubbles, swam at my sister-in-laws, and visited preschools for Ben.

For awhile I was depressed, and pretty much withdrew from everything. Every once in a while I went online and read other's blogs. I just never felt up to writing mine. But I figured that there are so many wonderful things out there to explore, that life is too short to sit around and be depressed. I have two wonderful boys and a wonderful husband and I have a lot to be happy about! So I'm finally back, and it feels good! Here is a photo recap of my summer soo far. I have over a thousand more photos, but it's impossible to share them all! Enjoy!

-Ruth Ann


  1. Good Morning Ruth Ann,

    So glad you are feeling better and are back!! I LOVE your collage of pictures. It sounds like your family has had a wonderful summer.♥

  2. Well, knock me over with a feather!! I'm so glad to see you blogging :)

    I can't wait to see some photos of your kitchen redo. My mother's new kitchen was supposed to take 4 months and it was a year. It's incredible how long they take.

    Love the collage...I just wish I could have enlarged it so I could see it better. :)
