Friday, July 31, 2009

My little Ben turns 4 today!

4 years ago today I became a mother! Today Benjamin is 4-years-old! Motherhood has been the most rewarding and yet most stressful experience of my entire life! But I wouldn't change it for the world! I have the most amazing little boy! He is so intelligent and funny and I cannot imagine my life without him! Here's a look back at how far we have come! Here are some of my favorites of literally THOUSANDS! I took every photo except the first one! Enjoy!

Here we are after his birth:
Here he is at a couple weeks old:
His first Christmas:
Having fun in the daisies:
His second Halloween:
His eyes are amazing aren't they?
This is my favorite photo that was taken near his second birthday. It's one of my favorites! Everyone says that it reminds them of the "Wizard of Oz!"
Playing in the corn for his second year photos!
His third year photos was a farm theme. Here he is close to his third birthday:
Here's Ben today at four! He's grown up soo fast! Next thing I know, he'll be graduating from college!

Hope you enjoyed my favorite photos of Ben! Have a great night!

-Ruth Ann


  1. Awwwww what precious photos!!! Happy belated Birthday Ben!!! He is just adorable!

  2. Isn't it amazing how quickly time flies? Happy Birthday, Benjamin!
