Saturday, July 10, 2010


I haven't done a "Photo of the Day" in a very long time. Hopefully now that most of our camping trips are over, I'll be able to do more of them!

Here is a case of marbles that we saw on display of an Art Gallery/Store in Berlin Maryland. My youngest son loves marbles and I would have liked to have bought him one, but they were $18 each! Luckily inside they had a marble chute he could play with and marbles that were 10 cents a piece. I let him get a little bag of marbles and he was totally happy with that!

I love how vivid & unique these marbles are? Which would you choose? I of course love the pink one in the third row as well as the rainbow colored one next to it!
Hopefully you're having a bright and sunny summer in your part of the world. Here is was very rainy yesterday and bright and beautiful today!


Kristin - The Goat said...

Those marbles are indeed gorgeous! I like the blue corkscrew looking one - First column, third row.

Unknown said...

Boa noite, me chamo Fernanda e amo bolinhas de gude, mas não co sigo encontrar onde comprar dessas lindas. Será que poderia me ajudar, informando onde posso comprar? Obrigada